Thursday, 7 November 2013

I am form Verena

Spektaküläre Luftaufnahme Vom Cape Point in Südafrika. N.d. Photograph. Foto Courtesy of SA Tourism, Capetown. Web. 7 Nov. 2013.

I am from
I am from that place
That no one knows
That area the west looks down on
Even if the curtains have fallen
I am from that place
I never lived in
That place I only know from pictures
I am from the city and the country
From danger and safety
From rejection and love
I am from the country of hope
 from the border to the country that dopes
I am from the country that has faught many of wars
And its history is marked with scars
 I am  from the country of colour
from the land of different cultures
 I am from a place where everyone is called mueller
from the kingdom of vultures
I am from the darkest corner of the world
Like a snail I live issolated from the world
Learning that trust is not worthy sharing
I am from the brightest patch of land
A world that spreads out her hand
Where the grass is greener
And sky bluer
I am from  a changing place
I am from 3 countries
Each shaped me differently
I am from that place
No one knows

By Verena Schwarzfischer

1 comment:

  1. You got very god rimes in it. i like how your being secret. Like not really saying fro were you from but still giving hints on it.
