Thursday, 21 November 2013

Sonnet_Kai Ohlig

So hard it is to discribe love
But let me take a truthful try
It is a topic that's so tuff
But also might pass smoothly by
It represents my family
With much major disadvantages
However noever hating thee
Whom still feed me their great courage
And represents the brave people
Protecting those they won't give up
Watching them like eager eagles
Protecting they would never stop
     The love are people that you see
     and ev'ry day want with to be


  1. It is a good Sonnet. Just make sure that you add punctuation marks after every line or every stanza so that you know it becomes easier for a reader when he/she is reading the Sonnet.

  2. I really enjoyed this sonnet because of overall message of the story, but i agree with devarsh that you should as punctuation to the end of each line.

  3. I like the introduction, stating the difficulty of deciphering love. I enjoyed the content because I understood it as making the link between love and hate, while concentrating on family. Overall good job!
