Friday, 10 January 2014

Romeo and Juliet Optionaire
 by Jaclyn Parris
N.d. Photograph. JSpace. 15 May 2012. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
The punishment for murder should always be death.

     I disagree that the punishment for murder should always be death. I disagree because I believe it would be hypocritical. The punishment would certainly be equal, but it would also be an easy way out of a miserable experience n jai. In addition, murdering someone, even for murder, may leave the impression that murder is okay as revenge or to punish someone. I believe that an “eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” and allowing the government to be following this statement would cause a major problem (Ghandi). So I disagree.
 N.d. Photograph. Flickr. Web. <>.
Teenagers can't understand what true love really is.
I agree that teenagers can’t understand what love is. I believe one has to experience true love to understand it and most teenagers have not experienced real love. I think some people who meat their sole mate n high school are lucky and they may know what true love is. But, often relationships beginning in high school end late on because they were not truly in love just knew nothing else. I also feel like love feels different for every one and it is not a concrete idea therefore one can’t automatically understand love. One must have their own ideas which can only be proven to suit their love by living through true love.

N.d. Photograph. MTUV. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
Killing someone in revenge for killing a close friend is okay.

                 I strongly disagree that killing someone for murdering a close friend is okay. I believe murder is never okay.  Gandhi’s statement “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” also applies here. Seeking revenge through murder is still unlawful and it is also self-absorbed. Murdering someone for murder is claiming their life and existence is less important than that of your friends. In addition, by murdering the murderer you are taking away the killer from his family and close friends. Doing so could cause a cycle, who’s to say one of the original killers close friends will not come after you? I strongly disagree because it is still murder no matter eat the reason is.
Two Little Friends Eating Together. N.d. Photograph. Dreams Time. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
Good friends should stick together at all times no matter how wrong the friend may be.
 I disagree with good friends sticking together t all time no matter how wrong the friend may be. I think that friends are only friend they are not bonded with each other. If a friend s risking their future, their life, or another’s life it is okay to disagree with them. Friends do not always agree on the small things so they are bound to disagree on other important things. If a friend is unwilling to listen to your good advice and morals, I believe they should not stick around to witness the completion of the task or event. I think friends should not drag the other friend down, but they should always give the other a chance before completing dropping them. Though in conclusion, I think one should trust their instincts and judge the situation not just jump in because their good friend chooses to.

N.d. Photograph. Waynestocks. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
Parents should make the decisions about their children's lives.

 I disagree in saying parents should make the decisions for their children. I believe that children have the right to make their own decisions. A child grows up learning from the judgment of their parents so they will know how their parents feel on the situation. So the parent’s voice is not completely neglected. So a child can choose to listen to their parents or not, but after a certain age the child should make their own decision no matter how wrong they may be. One has to take control of their life not live of their mother’s instincts forever.
N.d. Photograph. Fashion Central India. 25 Oct. 2011. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
It is possible to fall in love at first sight.

 I disagree that love at first sight is possible. I think at first sight one cannot possibly be n love. Alone can judge from first sight is the other’s appearance and attractiveness should bot be enough for love. In order to be in love you have to know a person and enjoy their company and personality. If one is only aware of their physical features there is no love. Therefore I disagree that love can be found at first sight.
N.d. Bayoubuzz. 12 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
Telling lies or hiding the truth is acceptable for the right reasons.
 I am neutral when it comes to telling lies and hiding the truth if it is for the right reasons. I think telling a lie may be wrong but if the situation demands a lie it is necessary. And I don’t considering hiding the truth to be lying and consider that acceptable nearly all of the time. I don’t see any shame in keeping something a secret unless you have been asked to share that information. But either way if telling the truth could cause an issue it is often better to keep things hidden.
N.d. Photograph. Power of Two. 20 Nov. 2013. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
Family feuds only affect the adults.
Family feuds affect the entire family not just the adults, so disagree. I feel that family feuds may have started with the adults and be strongest with them. But the fight can affect each member of the family. This could mean the children take part n the feud, do their best to avoid it, or suffer from the feud. An example is Romeo and Juliet; both of them are affected by the feud because it is keeping them from their love.

953 Arranged Marriage. N.d. Photograph. Elllo. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
There are times when arranges marriage is appropriate.
I believe arrange marriages are sometimes appropriate therefore I am neutral. I do not believe children should be forced to marry at a young age. Though I do believe that if a situation cals for marriage then it is necessary after an age where marrying is most often acceptable. Some cultures accept arranged marriage as the norm and in those cultures I believe it can sometimes be forced ot strongly. I think a marriage does no necessarily need to be bonded by love so arranged marriage is not horrible for everyone. I disagree with arranged marriage when one partner already has existing love with another. And I do not think anyone should be forced to marry, but if it is necessary believe it should an option.

N.d. Photograph. The Real Singapore. 29 July 2013. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>.
Each person has a soul mate.
  I believe each person has a soul mate. I agree that there is someone out there for everyone. I do not think there is only one person, but I do believe there’s at least one person perfect for you. People do not always find their soul mate and settle for someone else, but there is a soul mate for everyone.   I think people can find someone they love and feel balanced with them and even manage to live with them, but there is someone better.

1 comment:

  1. I think your Pictures match each Opinion very Well, it Supports your opinion by giving visual examples of your opinion.

    Also I agree with most of your opinions, and if I Don´t, you gave very good reasoning for your decisions which made me feel that what you say is true.
