Friday, 10 January 2014

I agree! I disagree! - Devarsh Shah

I agree! I disagree!

Sun News. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2014. <
 1. The punishment for murder should always be death. I disagree with this statement because I think the punishment should not always be death. The motives behind all murders are different. For example, a person facing mental disorder kills another person then we should not punish that person to death but instead we should send him to a hospital where proper care is taken and also the treatment can be given.



Soda Head. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2014. <

2. Teenagers can't understand what true love is. I agree with this statement because I think that the teenage years are not exactly the age when one is mature enough to understand if you're in love with someone or not. It is not the same for everyone but during teenage hood only thing that mostly happens is the primary feeling of attraction towards other person and you think it is love but maybe it is not.
and you think it is love but maybe it is not.

Soda Head. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2014. <

3. Killing someone in revenge for killing a close friend of yours is okay.  I disagree with this statement because I don't think that killing the person who killed a close friend of mine would be the solution to the problem. I can do something else to teach him a lesson. If I do this then this can also turn into chain of people killing each other in revenge. For example, if I kill the murderer of my friend then the murderers friend would kill me for killing the murderer and this would go on.


"Beliebte Produkte Zu Stick Together." Etsy. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.

4. Good friends should stick together at all the times no matter how wrong a friend may be. I disagree with this statement because I think it is not true to support someone even after knowing he/she is doing something wrong. For example, if a good friend of yours is doing something wrong you would always explain him that he is doing wrong and he shouldn't do it. It would be a test of friendship. No one wants their friends to be in trouble and do something wrong.

ILM Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2014. <

5. Parents should make decisions about their children's lives. I am neutral about this statement because I think there are two possible ways to answer it. For example, i)if the child couldn't make the decisions of his own or isn't making the right decisions then the parents should take decisions for them or should guide them and ii) If the parents make poor choices then the child should not let them make decisions.

"Love at First Sight." Room8five. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.

6. It is possible to fall in love at first sight. I disagree with this statement because I don't think that by just looking at the person you fall in love with him/her. If you think so then it is definitely because the physical appearance of the person makes you think so. You can only fall in love with a person after living with the person or spending a lot of time with that person.

"Hiding the Truth?" Wordpress. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.

7. Telling lies or hiding the truth is acceptable for the right reasons. I agree with this because hiding the truth depends from situation to situation. For example, if someone is hiding the truth for right reasons then that is acceptable but not for saving someone from murder or reasons related to this. This is the reason why I agree with telling lies or hiding truth is acceptable for right reasons.

"My Take on Arranged Marriages." Moichache's Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.
8. There are times when arranged marriages is appropriate. I agree with this statement because there are people who don't get proper life partners in life and arrange marriage may help them finding the right partner. For example, my uncle never wanted an arranged marriage even though he was not getting married. He tried for arrange marriage and found the best girl. This is why I agree with arrange marriages being appropriate at times.

"Soul Mate" Wordpress.  N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.
9. Each person has a soul mate. I am neutral with this statement because everyone doesn't decide to get married and everyone don't get a partner. For example, a person wants to marry and doesn't get a partner and another person who also wants to marry and gets married. Then for the person who got married, each person has a soul mate and for the person not getting married, each person doesn't have a soul mate. This is the reason why I am neutral about the statement each person has a soul mate.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you argumented about each statement, you showed that you clearly have your own opinion. You also really took your time to think about what youre going to wrtie about and all the pictures are matching to the statemant.

    -Billie Tyrell
