Romeo and Julian Opinionaire
The punishment for murder should always be death. I do not think death is a hard enough punishment, I think it's too easy and maybe a relief for the murder. Of course is he's a serial killer then it might be for the security of the country, that his punishment is death. But if not there should be a harder punishment. Like most prisons in The U.S, the penalty is mostly death. But there is still a lot of criminality.
Teenagers can't understand what true love is. I disagree with this statement, because I know so many people who have been together for over 2 years, and there had never been any cheating or mistakes, so I think when you meet the right one in that speciific moment, it doesn't matter which age. I can't speak from experiance, because it has never happened to me, but I do believe in it.
Killing someone in revenge for killing a close friend of yours is okay. I don't think revenge will get you anzwhere, I actually think you might feel bad after you commit it. And I think it's a bit overrated, there are other ways to solve problems; like to talk about the problem, or now when we're talking about murder, the police is the one who should take care of it, not you.
Good friends should stick together at all times no matter how wrong a friend may be. For this questions it really depends on how the fight may be, and some things can't be solved. But yes, real friends should stick together no matter what, depends on the situation. It can be turned both ways, friends have friends.
Parents should make the descisions about their children's lives. When we're talking asbout kids under 13 years, I do think they need a bit of guidance, and then later in life they can make their own choices, about their lives, which they know can help them later on in life, because the only one standing in the end is you. But your parents need to show you the way to where you want to be.
It is possible to fall in love at the first sight. I strongly disagree with this statement, I think it's just something cute couples say after a while of being in love, and together. I do not think it's given to you that easily. I do believe though that you can feel attracted to someone, and then want to learn more about them. Love is something that get's built up in each one of us, when we meet someone just for you. I guess we can all talk about self experiance, that we have found ourself attracted to someone, and would to get to know each other better.
Telling lies or hiding the truth is acceptable for the right reasons. When your telling lies for the right reason and good reasons I think it's alright, maybe it can be for someones benefit. Of course I don't think it's okay to be telling lies, but when you do it for someone or yourself, it's acceptable. I have lied about how we were having a surprise for my friend, but that's a good reason to be lying.
Family feuds only affect adults. No, not at all. So many children are damaged for life, because of their parents or family, really when it comes to fighting, physical actions, it can have different effects on children or young adults. They grow up not letting anyone in to their life, because they might be too scared, or they will imitate their parents/family.
There are times when arranged marriage is appropriate. Marriage is all about love, and arranged marriage should not be allowed. Normally they do it for money, but happiness is not money, and you should do the best for your life, not what your parents think it best for you. Marriage is all about love.
Each person has a soulmate. A soul mate is someone you love, and someone who loves you, but that can happen maybe a few times in your life. But a real soul mate is the one you marry the one you decide to start a family with. Not for anybody else, only for you. But a exact soul mate I don't know, if it really exist. I do think I will find some someday, just like my mom. If she could, then I can.
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