Thursday, 8 May 2014

Molly | Advertising HW

Audience: Who do you think the commercial is targeting and why?
This commercial is targeting a younger audience with this video. The entire industry of marketing has been trying to make commercials go viral for a long time. When this commercial aired during the superbowl, it was immediately shared on Facebook and other social media. Old Spice needed a redesign, and this commercial brought that with the humor and randomness of this commercial. They targeted a younger audience because at the time Axe deodorant was the most popular, and they needed to up their game. This commercial succeeded in bringing a wider range of demographics to Old SPice.

Buyology: What makes this commercial appealing (interesting to watch)? Why do you like it?
I think that the fact that they did the entire commercial in one take makes it very interesting to watch. It is a complete sensory overload because the guy talks really fast, this then leads to people playing it again and again on Youtube. The speech also makes it very appealing to watch, people started to memorize the moment the commercial aired. Even though he talks fast, he talks clearly, so people can understand and replicate what he says. Also, it doesn't hurt to have a voice as low as his.

Techniques: What techniques does the creator use to sell the product?
One of the main techniques that this commercial uses is humor and randomness. There is no sensical storyling to this commercial, they just added random settings and a random horse. This placement of the setting makes people question the ad, they don't understand why he is where he is. There is also humor because he is comparing himself to the "ladies" husbands or boyfriends. He is meant to be the idealistic man, which in turn will sell the product. This ad is successful in using these techniques to capture the audiences attention.


  1. This advertisements associates the shower gel with having a better man and being able to obtain certain luxuries.


  2. Your advertisement uses humor to attract it's audience and association to make the young, impressionable audience believe that the gel makes them funny and cool. You analyse the creators techniques well.

  3. I liked the light humour in you advert, and the wording in your first paragraph
