Friday, 9 May 2014

Advertising HW Ladina Brunner

Ladina Brunner
English 10
Ms. Klasen

Advertising Homework
L'oreal e lo Zombie Boy. Go Beyond the Cover 

Audience: Who do you think the commercial is targeting and why?
The commercial is obviously targeting women in their teenage years up until their late thirties. L'oreal used a person with such extreme body art that would normally be almost impossible to cover and showed that their makeup could cover the tattoos completely, therefore showing the consumers that their makeup has great coverage and is very effective, as well as it looking natural.

Buyology: What makes this commercial appealing (interesting to watch)? Why do you like it?
This commercial is appealing because it has a sense of extraordinariness, no one has ever done a commercial like that before to show their makeup. Normally commercials for makeup show beautiful women talking, but in this commercial they actually show the process and the capability of their makeup.

Techniques: What techniques does the creator use to sell the product?
The company is using an already famous person that a lot of people recognize, which already interests people right at the beginning of the commercial. The idea that he starts off looking normal and then starts to take his makeup off to reveal his tattoos is new and interesting and draws attention from the viewers. They also used music and no talking, so if the viewer is doing something else and looking away from the tv and they suddenly hear music with no talking, they will look up at the tv because they are curious as to why there is music playing; and then be caught by the extreme body art. Furthermore, the idea of showing the actual makeup product makes the makeup company seem real and they are not afraid to show that their makeup is actually being used; Which in turn makes the viewers trust the promise of the makeup brand.
Pepsi Commercial- Ruben

Audience: The video was targeted to people of all age. It could vary from little kids, to the elderly. The reason is because of the sense of humour the video gave off. Pepsi believed by creating a humorous advertisement, the customers would become more interested in the product itself, because they were interested in the advertisement. The company wanted to maintain its customers, which is why they though up an unoriginal idea.

Buyology: I enjoy this commercial mainly because of the humour that was within this video. The video drew my attention as soon as it introduces a little boy joining a group of monks.

Techniques: The creator of the video introduces a village of monks, in the first 2 seconds and then the Pepsi symbol on the door of the village. Then, a little boy shows up at the door, and the monks let him in. The monks train the boy a fighting technique and then, makes him an official member, as soon as he hit his head on the Pepsi can, to get the symbol on his forehead. The humour throughout this whole video, maintains the viewers attention and makes sure that they get a kick out of it.

Audience: This commercial is for everybody. The chocolate bar should represent that if you eat it you become normal again and you feel better. It tells us that if you're hungry you turn into another person so you need to eatm a snickers bar to calm down.

Buyology: The commercial is funny and has a setting which isn't usual  so it is stuck in your head when you watched it the first time. The sentence they use to highlight the importance of the bar are funny and easy to understand.

Techniques: He uses fun sentences, great costumes and an unusual setting. The chocolate bar is definitely highlighted in this video.


Commercial- Billie Tyrell

Shakira Pepsi Commercial

-          The target of the commercial is that people start buying pepsi. As its Shakira doing the commercial people will watch it because she is very famous. The commercial is also made as a comedy which attracts people to watch it. Pepsi always chooses famous people to do their commercial and are always very successful in it. Switzerland should start creating adds like that as well to attract more people to their commercials.

-          Shakira is a professional dancer, which is why she shows off her dancing skills in the video. People will look at the commercial because their amazed by her dancing moves.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Molly | Advertising HW

Audience: Who do you think the commercial is targeting and why?
This commercial is targeting a younger audience with this video. The entire industry of marketing has been trying to make commercials go viral for a long time. When this commercial aired during the superbowl, it was immediately shared on Facebook and other social media. Old Spice needed a redesign, and this commercial brought that with the humor and randomness of this commercial. They targeted a younger audience because at the time Axe deodorant was the most popular, and they needed to up their game. This commercial succeeded in bringing a wider range of demographics to Old SPice.

Buyology: What makes this commercial appealing (interesting to watch)? Why do you like it?
I think that the fact that they did the entire commercial in one take makes it very interesting to watch. It is a complete sensory overload because the guy talks really fast, this then leads to people playing it again and again on Youtube. The speech also makes it very appealing to watch, people started to memorize the moment the commercial aired. Even though he talks fast, he talks clearly, so people can understand and replicate what he says. Also, it doesn't hurt to have a voice as low as his.

Techniques: What techniques does the creator use to sell the product?
One of the main techniques that this commercial uses is humor and randomness. There is no sensical storyling to this commercial, they just added random settings and a random horse. This placement of the setting makes people question the ad, they don't understand why he is where he is. There is also humor because he is comparing himself to the "ladies" husbands or boyfriends. He is meant to be the idealistic man, which in turn will sell the product. This ad is successful in using these techniques to capture the audiences attention.

Alexander schnadt

Alexander Schnadt


  1. I think the audience is everyone older that 15 because it is for coffee and most of the people dink coffee.
  2. It starts very relaxing and then it scares you. So i think it is a really good idea and it makes us remember the contend of the advertisement.
  3. He uses pictures and he scares us. 

Kaffe werbung. Ed. Nike 1711. You Tube. Google, 16 Feb. 2008. Web. 8 May 2014. 

Advertising- HW : Devarsh Shah

Devarsh Shah
Ms. Klasen
English 10
8th May 14

Nike Football Commercial - Link to the video!

1. Audience: Who do you think the commercial is targeting and why?
A) This advertisement is about Nike football shoes 'Mercurial'. Since, it is about football shoes, the target from the commercial would be the people playing football.

2. Buyology: What makes this commercial appealing? Why do you like it?
A) The commercial is appealing because it has two famous sports person, Cristiano Ronaldo (football player) and Rafael Nadal (tennis player). The combination of two people from different sports creates ____________. People will watch the video to know what is the video actually about. I, personally, am a big fan of Rafael Nadal and because he was in the video I saw the video and then I liked it. This is an advantage for the Nike that people following either sport will watch it.

3. Techniques: What technique does the creator use to sell the product?
A) Casting two famous people from different sports, C. Ronaldo (football) and R. Nadal (tennis) helps seeking attention on the product. The very important thing is the main aim of the product and how they portray it should match. For example: Mercurial shoes are for speed and the way they showed in the video was that C.Ronaldo is fast after wearing the shoes.


"The Scoop on Little Baby's Ice Cream." Little Black Book. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2014.

I think this commercial is targeted towards teenagers and young adults. People who enjoy handmade non/dairy ice cream. The video is quite amusing so i believe people around my age may become interested in it. I think they chose this demographic because it possibly the largest ice cream eating demographic.

The commercial is interesting to watch because the video is extremely creepy. The video sparks interest and makes you want to find out more about this ice cream company. The actor in the video is staring directly at you making you not want to stop watching. I like the video because it is different from a lot of other commercials i have seen. The visuals are quite basic but they are very strong.

The video uses originality and creativeness to attract the attention of the public and spread the video faster, making it viral. The extraordinarius of this video allows us to question the company, we want to learn more about it. The last line to the video is a slogan that can catch on fast but leaves a question in the air.

"Puppy Love" Budweiser commercial

Puppy Love
Budweiser commercial
The audience for this video should be for men, as they are more likely to drink Budweiser. However the cuteness of the video makes it seem like the video is created more for the female audience. I think that Budweiser wanted to attract the females, so that these are more likely to buy beer, either for themselves or for the husbands or boyfriends.

The factor which makes the commercial fun to watch, is the friendship and the love between the horse and the puppy. I love the fact, that the puppy will always run away to be with the horse, and when the two are threatend to be taken away, the horse comes and saves the puppy.

The creator used cutness and originalty to sell the product. The cutness targets more the female customer, therefor these will be more likely to buy for the game. Also originality will help sell the product, as people will remeber the product after the commercial.

Riley's Commercial

Riley Jones
Ms. Klasen
English 10

The SuperBowl is well known in America for having some of the best commercials. Companies pay top money to get a good slot in what is usually one of the most watched "shows" in America. This commercial by Coca-Cola is most definitely targeting football (American football, that is) fans, which is clearly shown through the actions of the polar bear and the premise of the commercial itself. Presuming the original commercial aired during the SuperBowl, the polar bear is stressed out because his team is either losing, or barely winning. His friends toss him the Coca-Cola bottle, but he fumbles it, which every football fan knows and fears. In the end, the bear does catch it, which creates the idea of the bottle symbolizing the ball.

This commercial is appealing because it is cute, and football fans will relate to this. The animation and use of animals for characters makes it appealing not only for adults, but also to small children as the SuperBowl is usually a family affair. I like this commercial not only because I find the bears cute, but also because I remember a bit of the campaign behind it. For a time, Coca-Cola donated a portion of its proceeds to the World Wildlife Foundation in support of the polar bears, whose home was, and still is, disappearing. So, the commercial both makes me smile and remember that Coca-Cola tries to be a world-conscious company.

The main technique that is used in this commercial is to focus on the brand featured on the bottle. This clearly states the product while allowing the commercial to have no words. They also make it relatable, since every football fan knows what it's like to watch with baited breath to see if their team with make the catch. I know that Coca-Cola also released a few shorter commercials before this, involving the two polar bears in the beginning and penguins to build up the familiarity with the characters.
Jaclyn Parris
Ms. Klasen

Audience: This commercial is very clearly targeted to those who smoke or may begin smoking. The video is attempting to prevent younger people from smoking. This commercial in addition to other commercials with the same creator all include younger people whom smoke and have to suffer to afford and smoke cigarettes.
Buyology: This commercial isn't selling anything, but it is certainty advertising. The commercial is advertising the risks to smoking, and for this commercial to achieve its purpose of stopping younger generations from smoking, it must be memorable. The advertisement chooses to portray a young man ripping his teeth out to pay for a pack of cigarettes. People watch is because it is gruesome, it not only lists that smoking is bad for your teeth it portrays it in a creative way using another issue of smoking, the cost. Additionally, it is interesting because the character is someone near to my age, as if to show that problems like this happen to any age of people whom smoke. I see this commercial very often and it is disturbing, therefore effective and regarded.
Techniques: In this commercial a product is not bring sold, it is instead trying to prevent cigarettes from being sold. It seems that the video is not using terms such as crowd sourcing of sorts. The video tends to use strong imagery and emotive language. I would consider the video a sensationalism. The commercial chose a teenage guy pulling his teeth out, which looks disgusting. Therefore, imagery is used within this commercial in an effective way. Additionally, the commercial uses emotive language by stating that cigarettes cost your teeth and giving a fact that it causes gum disease and one may lose there teeth from it.

Advertising: Snicker... Get Some Nuts - Sonja Milekovic

Sonja Milekovic
Ms. Klasen
English A 10
Snickers Advertisement. 2010. PopSop. Web. 8 May 2014. <>.       
1. Who do you think the commercial is targeting and why?
         I believe this commercial is targeting teens (around 16+) and young adults. I believe it is mostly appealing to males because they are the ones that society deems should be strong and not wimpy. Anyone athletic, particularly football players is also part of the targeted audience because they use athletic young adults as the subject of the video. I also believe Snickers used football players because they are known for over exaggerating their injuries. Snickers targets these people because they are the most easily persuaded mentally at such an age. This is due to the fact that society holds a standard that men should be strong and brave and not weak or afraid or cowardly. By exploiting this idea, they create an advertisement that manufactures consent and basically sends the message "You're weak. "Get Some Nuts" from Snickers!!" 
2. What makes this commercial appealing? Why do you like it?
         I believe this commercial is appealing for two reasons. One is that it uses humour, comedy to attract an audience and it also uses celebrities (Mr. T) to draw in more viewers. This video became viral and was shown to everyone back in 2010. I personally like this commercial because it is funny and draws on the saying that men need to grow a pair by using "Get Some Nuts" as their slogan. They also use large army vehicles crushing into cars (destruction, a popular attractor for males). In addition, Mr. T is an entertaining character when angry because what he is saying is so ridiculous. In fact, the whole commercial is so ridiculous that it makes people remember it.
3. What techniques does the creator use to sell the product?
        As stated above, the creator uses violence and destruction to attract a male audience. They also use celebrities and a generally ridiculous situation. They use the idea of extra-ordinariness to attract people to the commercial. Once someone sees this video and its ridiculousness, they will tell someone else and so on and so on. Thus creating a viral video. On top of this, the catchy slogan is something that again stick in your mind due to its oddity.