Title: A
great and terrible beauty
Libba Bray
supernatural gothic fiction
In the
beginning the story is set in India in the late 19th century, but after
a few chapters the setting moves to the Spence Academy. The Spence Academy is a
finishing school in London. Another main Setting are the realms, a place where
people go when they are sleeping. Most times they can’t remember their time in
the runes, but some people can and they can go back whenever they want to. This
people are called the order. The order is a magical order. The main character
of the book is Gemma Doyle, who has lived all her life in India till her mother
gets mysteriously killed. Afterwards Gemma gets moved to the Spence Academy. To
prevent social isolation the family claims that Gemma’s mother died of chorea,
so that society doesn’t pity them. Guilt
driven, Gemma tries to find answers of her mother’s mysterious death and why
she gets visions occasionally. After the
diary of Mary Dowd falls into her hands she gets answers which connect her
mother to Spence and the burned East Wing. These secrets lead into a world
where her destiny awaits.
Throughout the book there are allot of different themes as the role of women in the society, friendship, men over women , but the main themes are the power of choices, repression versus liberty and the right and wrong of power. This themes get carried throughout the book, by Libba Bray. The author’s style contributes to the important of the themes and making you enjoy the book more. Her style is adapted the language style to the Victorian era, so that the reader has a better view of the setting.
The begging of the book is very boring and it takes a while till the story starts rolling. But when it starts to get better, it’s hard to let it down. At some point the climax drops again it starts to get boring again, but overall it’s enjoyable to read the book. The book has allot of surprises but the biggest one is the reveal of who Marry Dowd actually is. Libba Bray managed to give nothing away till the reveal. The book is very easy to connect with, as the main character is a friendly insecure girl, who got pushed into the real world way to fast and also has teens problems.
recommend the book to anyone, who is into supernatural gothic fiction. The book
is more directed for girl to read it, as the most themes of the book are
directed at girls, but both genders can read it. A great and terrible beauty is
a good book to read, when you’re at home on a rainy day and there isn’t much to
do or when you’re are travelling. With this book the time goes by quickly and
you won’t get bored.
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