Sunday, 25 August 2013

Brave New World_Kai Ohlig

Kai Ohlig
Anna Klasen
English 10
25th August 2013

Summer Reading: Book Review

Book: Brave New World
Author: Aldous Huxley
Genre: Fiction

            The story is set in future London, England, where babies are transfused into bottles and everybody belongs to everybody. The idea of this novel is to show how stable and identical the world could become and how everybody will love his/her job (p.33,34). Throughout the book the author gives good reasons why the world is like it is, e.g. how controlled growth of babies in bottles makes them look and be perfect for the world (p.22).However, by having three major characters, Aldous Huxley is able to represent different perspectives about this world: Lenina is completely confident in the system, while Bernard Marx is unhappy and feels uncomfortable (p.55, 78). On the other hand, John hasn’t been in this civilized world as a child and can’t adapt to it at all (p166, 167). This is how the story begins.
            The action starts when Lenina and Bernard travel to Mexico and rescue a civilized person by the name of Linda, who had been stuck in Mexico (p.100, 101, 117). Badly, she had given birth to John, which is completely absurd for a civilized person. The story advances with the struggle for John to fit into society and how the perfect seeming environment of the world becomes a barrier for him…
            Overall, I like the book, especially because the story doesn’t end as I had expected. In the middle of the book the plot advances into a completely different direction than it does at the end, which was very surprising. However, I won’t give any references for that, since I don’t want to spoil anything. I also enjoyed the style of the book. By putting in three important characters the author made me think that the world was perfect and at the same time warned me that nothing can be perfect at all. I connected to that, because it remembers me of everyday life and even I had troubles with thinking that someone else is perfect. However I learned very fast that those people only acted as if they were. Therefore I had personal reasons for liking this book as well.

            That is why I definitely recommend this book to every person, because it’s different compared to many other stories. If one doesn’t like usual action stories then this book is worth a try. When a nerd searches for a book with a lot of logic included, then he/she should also read it. The story offers a lot of connections if someone decides to analyze it. I actually tried to go into the story and found an undefined number of connections. I was able to dig deep without hitting the ground. It made me become very interested, because I wanted to read on to go even further down and get a definite answer to all of my questions. When you get interested in the story then it doesn’t matter where to read it, it will always hook you. However, I wouldn’t recommend the book for English class, because some students will not be able to control themselves and read beyond their assignments. Others may take longer to get the whole picture as well. Otherwise it is good for journeys, rainy days, in the bed, even in the bath tub if you decide to read it there. Even though this was an assignment for school, which had to be done over the summer break, it felt like holiday for me.

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