Thursday, 27 February 2014


Romeo Und Julia Auf Der Tanzbühne. Digital image. Tagblatt. N.p., 2 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. <,3689334>.
Costumes in West Side Story
The costumes in West Side Story help to emphasize the personality of the Characters.  The different costumes worn by the characters are used effectivly to communicate the value of each character to the audience. In the begging of the play Tony is dressed in light colours, which potrays the innocent. Later on, after he killed Bernardo, his costumes overcomes with darker colours, like dark blue pants. This emphasizes the lost of innocent and the change the character went through being more involved in the feud.  Anitas dresses are colourfull, short and feathery to underline, that she is more liberal with her emotions. Also to show that she has experinced, which later on leads to the gang rape. In addition, through out the play Maria wears a white drees, which points out her innocent, caused by the lack of freedom. In conclusion, costumes are important to convey the characters personality.
1. What would Juliet wear  in the begging of Act 3 Scene 2 and how would her costume change, after the Nurse talked to her?
2. How does the desperation of Juliet in Act 3 Scene 5 about the arranged marriage, reflect in her costume?
Verena and Caroline W.


  1. 1. Juliet would be wearing a set of sexy lingerie while starring at herself in the mirror, then when the nurse told her the news she would change into a onsie to accentuate her innocence and need to hide.
    2. The nightgown accentuate her age and adds the theme of being disturbed.


  2. 1. At the beginning of act 3 scene two Juliet would be wearing a short white dress. The dress would be short because it would show her readiness to sleep with Romeo. But it would be white to show she is innocent and unaware of what she got into with the marriage. And she'd wear the dress as the nurse tells her of tybalts death, explaining that she is again still so inn innocent and forgiving. After she here's the news Juliet would change into a red night gown to represent tybalt's death and her still exiting desire for Romeo.
    2. Her desperation would be presented with somber colored clothing, such as a gray dress. This should show her disappointment.

  3. 1-A white dress to show her happiness and then a dark one as mourning habit.
    2-The fact that she is not dressed up as good as she used to shows that it isn't her major problem.
